Monday, February 21, 2011

Love stories

[Original English:]

I teach an English literature class.  The textbook is American short stories.  The words are difficult so students complain.  But I think they agree with me that the stories are interesting.  Each has a favorite.

On a written test, I ask students to defend their choice.

One student chose a love story.  When she quarrels with her boyfriend, she thinks that she might date someone else.  She learned something from the story.  She can think about dating someone else without actually doing it.

Stories can teach about how to live.

[Translated into Japanese:]
私は文学のクラスを教えています。教科書はアメリカの短編小説です。言葉は難しい ので、学生は文句を言う。しかし、学生は、ストーリーが面白いことを私に同意するものと思います。 それぞれ、好きなストーリーがあります。




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